Montana State University research improving local, state, and world communities

ART logo

Montana State University has been selected as one of eighteen academic institutions to receive funding through the National Science Foundation's Accelerating Research Translation, or ART, program.  The ART program aims to strengthen and scale the translation of basic research outcomes into impactful solutions and practice by building capacity and infrastructure.

At Montana State University, the ART program drives increased researchtranslation and elevates native voices in the research generation and translation landscape. By improving the rate of research findings being translated into practice, the ART program ultimately improves the long-term health of all communities and enhances the economic competitiveness of the USA.




Impactful training

A variety of events and programs designed to develop problem solving mindsets and cultivate interests in translational research

Education & Training

More than a research project

Targeted trainings that make the transition from idea, to societal impact, a bit less intimidating and a lot more manageable

Seed Translational Research Projects

From the lab, to the world

A funding opportunity for those actively working to turn fundamental findings into practical solutions

ART Ambassadors

Leaders in knowledge transfer

Individuals currently impacting society and working to foster a thriving innovation ecoystem at MSU


Critical support

Aligning experts in research translation and industry with innovators, providing critical resources and purposeful guidance

Elevating Indigenous Voices

Co-designing with communities

Supporting Indigenous-led initiatives, creating moments to learn about community experiences and opportunities from Indigenous leaders and Elders


Upcoming NSF ART events

NSF Logo   Thanks to the National Science Foundation for sponsoring MSU's ART Program!

CoMotion logoThanks to the University of Washington, CoMotion team, for guidance and mentorship throughout the ART Program!