Seed Translational Research Project

Call for Letters of Intent: MSU ART Seed Translational Research Projects, 2025 calendar year

Through support provided by the National Science Foundation’s Accelerating Research Translation (NSF ART) program, the MSU Technology Transfer Office (TTO) announces the availability of Seed Translational Research Project (STRP) funding.   

The NSF ART program aims to “increase the scale and pace of advancing discoveries made while conducting academic research into tangible solutions that benefit the public” NSF-ART

At MSU, we are excited to support a wide array of projects, ranging from educational tools to help first generation college students succeed in higher education, to solutions that expand the resilience of food systems on a global scale, to therapeutic solutions to treat neurodegenerative diseases, and more! 

MSU’s ART team and the TTO office are seeking applicants for Seed Translational Research Projects working to better communities and society.  


Award specifics: 

  • Total annual funding available for all awards: $250,000-$300,000 in direct costs
  • 1-2 new awards anticipated annually, typically $50,000-$200,000 in direct costs
  • 2025 awards to be announced on November 29, 2024, with projects to start January 1, 2025  
  • Project length may vary from 1-2 years 


  • In addition to submitting proposal, additional information and forms may be required.  
  • While PI's who have won previous CATalyst Gap Fund awards are eligible, each MSU PI and each MSU Technology is limited to a single STRP award during this NSF ART grant.

Conditions of award: 

  • At least 20% of award (overall budget) must be dedicated to business development and/or translation activities. This may include budgeting staff time, preparing for grants, working with a mentor, etc. 
  • All recipients of an STRP award will become part of MSU “builders cohort” and participate in additional training and programming such as: 
    • Meetings with assigned mentor(s) 
    • At least 3 project milestone check-in meetings (assistance will be provided in refining milestones) 
    • Additional programming to be recommended as relevant to project 
  • Submission of a final report, due 30 days after end of project. Format and specifics to be communicated in advance of deadline. 


To apply: 

  1. Submit Letter of Intent by Friday, September 20th 

LOI Application below!

Applicants are strongly encouraged to attend the STRP Information Session on Thursday, September 12th (1-2pm) and meet with Magali Eaton, Associate Director, TTO to discuss the project and applicability for this funding.  

Miss the info. session? Click here to view the recording.

  1. If LOI is accepted, submit proposal by October 31st

Proposal details to be communicated to applicants upon approval of Letter of Intent.  


Questions? Contact us at  

NSF-ART Accelerating Research Translation 

 denotes required fields.

MSU ART Seed Translational Research Project (STRP)
Letter of Intent Application

Please complete the following application to submit your Letter of Intent for the 2025 NSF Accelerating Research Translation Seed Translational Research Project (STRP) Opportunity. 

Questions? Contact us at!
If applicable, list the names, departments, email addresses and roles (research associate, post-doc, graduate student, etc.) of any additional team members.
We understand your project may include potential Intellectual Property (IP). Information provided here will be utilized for the STRP selection process only and will remain confidential.
NSF’s ART program aims to support the translation of fundamental academic research into tangible solutions that benefit society. That benefit may be realized through commercial application or by other, non-commercial means. Describe the scope or prevalence of any problem you hope to address and the potential resulting societal benefit. Where applicable, tell us about the individuals, groups or communities that could be directly impacted by your project.
What specific tasks are you currently tackling? What do you see yourself accomplishing in the next year? Two years?
This could include funds, partnerships, mentoring, material resources, etc.